Welcome to our web site

President Tatsuo Shimizu
We are a national-wide Orchids Amateurs group in Japan having a long history.
It was established in 1938. At that time, Japan had orchids societies only for the honorable rich people or for business. We aimed to start our society only for amateurs loving orchids.
Our concept is based on making harmony among people through enjoying orchids.
We think it important to protect orchids, to develop the technology for cultivation and to get orchids much more popular in Japanese society. We’re trying to expand the loop of enjoyment presented by orchids with all the amateurs in Japan.
Main activities are as follows
Monthly meeting on the 3rd Sunday in Tokyo
Display of orchids the members grew.
Guidance of cultivation
Popularity poll
Lectures about the original species Reviews of fragrance
Market of unique hybrid bulbs
Orchids Exhibition by our society at Sunshine City every late May.
Joining every year in the World Orchids Exhibition Japan Awards
Publication and bulletin
All colored Monthly paper “Japan Amateurs Orchids Society News” Annual bulletin ” Ranyu”
Home page http://www.orchidjaos.gr.jp
In addition to sending these news to all members, we visit verious Orchids Exhibitions held in some places in Japan every year, so that we can make fruitful friendship among members.
We are quite wonderful and friendly society for the people who love Orchids so much. It’s our pleasure to welcome beginners as well. We’re waiting for you.
You can get an application form from our home page.
Thanks for your kind attention !!